Hi, I’m Abigail Spenser Hu

Abigail Spenser Hu resists most labels and categories- she finds them limiting and inadequate for describing her constantly evolving, perpetual-motion lifestyle— but there’s one she embraces fully: artist. She sees art-making, and the constant creation of beauty in every facet of her work and personal life as her soul’s purpose and passion: art is her life and her life is art.

Spending time with Abigail is like going into a timeless portal of color and light, constant motion and a flurry of stories and ideas as her mind jumps from her new paintings to her spiritual insights to her business pursuits. Dressed in vibrant couture and equally at home in a laid-back California cafe or Michelin-starred New York hotspot she exists in a reality all her own- the result of her unique background and innate inquisitive, expressive nature.

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